Welcoming our New Chair!

We are delighted to welcome Denise Cockrem as the new Chair of MacIntyre Academies Trust.
Denise has been a long-term supporter and member of the Trust since its inception in 2012 and now takes over the role of Chair from Neil Macmillan, Founding Member of the Board. Both Denise and Neil share a common ambition for the success of the organisation and Denise is looking forward to building on the foundation of Neil's 12 years of service.
Denise brings a wealth of over 30 years experience in senior finance roles in financial services and the renewable energy sector. Her Non-Executive Director experience is extensive including purpose-led organisations MacIntyre and Skipton Building Society and currently at ITM Power plc, Julius Baer International Ltd and Benefact Trust Ltd.
Denise recently told MacIntyre Academies' colleagues:
"I feel very honoured to have taken on the role of Chair. It's great to have been there when it was first considered - and to now see the significant impact that the schools have in supporting so many families. It was very inspiring to hear the reports from the Trust's leadership team."
We are looking forward to all the experience that Denise brings!